Author: simplyrk

  • Isolation


    Genre: Western Plot: An isolated town in the alps gets a new sheriff. Words to use: snow, mountain, peak, noose, rope, frostbite, wolves, patrol, subzero, temperature, summit, climb, outlaw, outsider. Heading into the rugged Alps, Ralph Jones led his horse Russ with all his worldly possessions toward of Battendorf. A tall peak loomed in front of them.…

  • Nature’s Gift

    Genre: Fantasy Plot: A girl hits puberty and is reborn an oracle Words to use: period, mature, stage, growth, phase, cycle, seer, premonition, stars, vision, horoscope, prophecy, dream, birth, blossom. By Rachel Knepp Lyrisandra woke up suddenly on her bed, the smell of straw beneath her, filled her delicate freckled nose. Sweat poured down her…

  • Navigating through Poverty and the Allure of MLM Schemes

    Growing up poor is rather difficult. As a child, I didn’t think about the concept of being poor or rich, and I didn’t care. It was just my life. Stress surrounded me like a stifling fog, the still air filling my lungs with its poison. I don’t remember many vacations, food scarce, and the cars…

  • Broken down

    Genre: Romance Plot: The car breaks down, and a person finds love on the journey to get a repair. Words to use: mechanic, hitchhiker, road, rest stop, highway, stranger, allure, attraction, metal, engine, parts, together, rev, oil. The car started to sputter while Jake was in the middle of no where, with no phone service.…

  • Queen of the Land

    Genre: Western Plot: A matriarch leads a revolution against invaders Words to use:woman, queen, princess, witch, angel, enemy, plot, mother, crest, tribe, family, lineage, birth, rule, strategy The sun shone brightly against the yellow ochre of the dried grass of the field. The middle of the dry season. A time to plan and prepare for…

  • Frankenstein

    Written by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley My review I. Introduction:     A. Brief overview of Frankenstein     B. Importance of Mary Shelley’s work in literature Frankenstein was the beginning of the horror and science fiction genres. It the story of Frankenstein’s obsession with natural science that created his downfall. It begins with hope and ends with…

  • Trail of Blood

    Written by Rachel Silva-Knepp Genre: Mystery & Suspense  Plot: Arriving in a Small Town That has a Secret Words to use: cult, mystery, murder, power, stranger, newcomer, alien, weapon, silence, danger, police, hidden, map, discovery, bond Part 1 What the once Detective Anne Sullivan needed was a change of scenery. She felt it deep down…

  • Running for your Life

    Running for your Life

    Genre: Historical Fiction Plot: Being hunted during the Salem Witch Trials Words to use: spell, fire, stake, accuse, judge, townspeople, blame, hang, guilt, magic, phobia, women, execution, colony, religion The fire light danced on Sarah’s face. It was an icy cold night and she huddled in her cloak to try to stay warm. She had hoped the townspeoplewould…

  • Mission: failed.

    Mission: failed.

    Genre: romance Plot: An assassin who falls for their target Words to use: kill, list, hire, sniper, lens, doubt, duty, mark, spy, allure, attraction, bond, instinct, trigger, bullet. The text came in with just a picture. It came from a burner phone, someone he never met, but an anonymous employer who would hire him for a job.…

  • Serenity of Wildness

    Serenity of Wildness

    Genre: Western Plot: A group of ranchers is hired to tame a scientifically engineered beast. Words to use: wild, erratic, unpredictable, uncharted, beast, Frankenstein, subhuman, predator, food chain, lasso, boot, pulverize, herd, rugged, cowboy. Jeb was looking out into the distance, rifle in hand, listening to the crickets and a wolf off in the distance…