Category: Detective fiction

  • Trail of Blood

    Written by Rachel Silva-Knepp Genre: Mystery & Suspense  Plot: Arriving in a Small Town That has a Secret Words to use: cult, mystery, murder, power, stranger, newcomer, alien, weapon, silence, danger, police, hidden, map, discovery, bond Part 1 What the once Detective Anne Sullivan needed was a change of scenery. She felt it deep down…

  • Missing


    Genre: Detective fiction  Plot: A special agent is called abroad to investigate a streak of missing people. Words to use: vanish, disappear, foreigner, getaway, seclusion, off-the-grid, patted, link, connection, story, citizen, setup, lure, kidnap, murder. The newspapers again splashed the headlines from Europe, Vanished – Another one is Missing. The words in the articles were always bleak.…