Genre: Western Plot: An isolated town in the alps gets a new sheriff. Words to use: snow, mountain, peak, noose, rope, frostbite, wolves, patrol, subzero, temperature, summit, climb, outlaw, outsider. Heading into the rugged Alps, Ralph Jones led his horse Russ with all his worldly possessions toward of Battendorf. A tall peak loomed in front of them.…
Nature’s Gift
Genre: Fantasy Plot: A girl hits puberty and is reborn an oracle Words to use: period, mature, stage, growth, phase, cycle, seer, premonition, stars, vision, horoscope, prophecy, dream, birth, blossom. By Rachel Knepp Lyrisandra woke up suddenly on her bed, the smell of straw beneath her, filled her delicate freckled nose. Sweat poured down her…
Broken down
Genre: Romance Plot: The car breaks down, and a person finds love on the journey to get a repair. Words to use: mechanic, hitchhiker, road, rest stop, highway, stranger, allure, attraction, metal, engine, parts, together, rev, oil. The car started to sputter while Jake was in the middle of no where, with no phone service.…