Category: Blog

  • Isolation


    Genre: Western Plot: An isolated town in the alps gets a new sheriff. Words to use: snow, mountain, peak, noose, rope, frostbite, wolves, patrol, subzero, temperature, summit, climb, outlaw, outsider. Heading into the rugged Alps, Ralph Jones led his horse Russ with all his worldly possessions toward of Battendorf. A tall peak loomed in front of them.…

  • Nature’s Gift

    Genre: Fantasy Plot: A girl hits puberty and is reborn an oracle Words to use: period, mature, stage, growth, phase, cycle, seer, premonition, stars, vision, horoscope, prophecy, dream, birth, blossom. By Rachel Knepp Lyrisandra woke up suddenly on her bed, the smell of straw beneath her, filled her delicate freckled nose. Sweat poured down her…

  • Broken down

    Genre: Romance Plot: The car breaks down, and a person finds love on the journey to get a repair. Words to use: mechanic, hitchhiker, road, rest stop, highway, stranger, allure, attraction, metal, engine, parts, together, rev, oil. The car started to sputter while Jake was in the middle of no where, with no phone service.…

  • Queen of the Land

    Genre: Western Plot: A matriarch leads a revolution against invaders Words to use:woman, queen, princess, witch, angel, enemy, plot, mother, crest, tribe, family, lineage, birth, rule, strategy The sun shone brightly against the yellow ochre of the dried grass of the field. The middle of the dry season. A time to plan and prepare for…

  • Running for your Life

    Running for your Life

    Genre: Historical Fiction Plot: Being hunted during the Salem Witch Trials Words to use: spell, fire, stake, accuse, judge, townspeople, blame, hang, guilt, magic, phobia, women, execution, colony, religion The fire light danced on Sarah’s face. It was an icy cold night and she huddled in her cloak to try to stay warm. She had hoped the townspeoplewould…

  • Serenity of Wildness

    Serenity of Wildness

    Genre: Western Plot: A group of ranchers is hired to tame a scientifically engineered beast. Words to use: wild, erratic, unpredictable, uncharted, beast, Frankenstein, subhuman, predator, food chain, lasso, boot, pulverize, herd, rugged, cowboy. Jeb was looking out into the distance, rifle in hand, listening to the crickets and a wolf off in the distance…

  • The curse of the coin of antiquity

    The curse of the coin of antiquity

    Genre: Fantasy Plot: An antique shop owner discovers a cursed medallion Words to use: dealer, chipped, time, history, bric-a-brac, possessed, power, wake, spirit, speciality, value, enslavement, relic, collection, rare. I have always loved old things from furniture to bric-a-brac. Things that have a history, even a dark one. The chipped bowl from long ago had a wonderful story to…

  • Exposed..


    Genre: Western Plot: A Hidden Society is forced to reveal itself to the rest of the world. Words to use: Expose, cellar, cave, veiled, bunker, doomsday, ultimatum, leverage, politics, survival, antics, display, hostage, mercy, solution. The town was bustling with men in top hats, horse drawn carriages and paper boys shouting the latest news of…

  • The Trees Can Talk

    The Trees Can Talk

    Genre: Fantasy Plot: A character buys a house surrounded by a forest of talking trees Words to use: branch, roots, bark, wind, whisper, secret, leaves, property, boundary, rumble, nest, sap, scatter, scent, seeds. The last of the leaves were scattered, blowing all around in the cold chill wind of autumn. Bianca had set her heart on the quaint house,…

  • Forbidden Territory

    Forbidden Territory

    Genre: Western Plot: A detour in the road leads a person to unknown territory  Words to use: mystery, threat, path, fork, boundary, border, step, line, crossing distraction, direction, swarm, trap, forbidden, execution. I set upon my journey with all my worldly goods, tied as bundles on my horse, Henry, early one morn. I wanted to…