Second Sight
By: Rachel D. Knepp Genre: Science Fiction Plot: A person gets an eye transplant and can now see the future. Words to use: Sight, cornea, gift, donor, witchcraft, horoscope, sky, stars, sense, awaken, recovery, consequence, blind, psychic, mystic. Everything was dark when he woke up suddenly, shivering and his nerves danced just beneath his skin.…
For sale
Genre: Science Fiction Plot: A city planner is contracted to build the first colony on the moon. Words to use: crater, urban, nest, map, corporation, space, galaxy, gravity, risk, emigration, orbit, eclipse, shadow, creature, unexpected. I was looking through my telescope, looking at the moon. The bright luminous rock that will once be the home…
Mind Trap
Genre: Sci-fi Story line: A trapped hypnotist must fight a way out of their own mind. Words to use: pendulum, hallucination, slumber, control, zombie, repressed, unconscious, sense, waking, inner, lock, memory, prison, escape, coma. The large pendulum on the old grandfather clock in the home office swiftly shifted back and forth in a typical rhythmic manner. Tick…