Tag: #westerngenre

  • Isolation


    Genre: Western Plot: An isolated town in the alps gets a new sheriff. Words to use: snow, mountain, peak, noose, rope, frostbite, wolves, patrol, subzero, temperature, summit, climb, outlaw, outsider. Heading into the rugged Alps, Ralph Jones led his horse Russ with all his worldly possessions toward of Battendorf. A tall peak loomed in front of them.…

  • Exposed..


    Genre: Western Plot: A Hidden Society is forced to reveal itself to the rest of the world. Words to use: Expose, cellar, cave, veiled, bunker, doomsday, ultimatum, leverage, politics, survival, antics, display, hostage, mercy, solution. The town was bustling with men in top hats, horse drawn carriages and paper boys shouting the latest news of…

  • Forbidden Territory

    Forbidden Territory

    Genre: Western Plot: A detour in the road leads a person to unknown territory  Words to use: mystery, threat, path, fork, boundary, border, step, line, crossing distraction, direction, swarm, trap, forbidden, execution. I set upon my journey with all my worldly goods, tied as bundles on my horse, Henry, early one morn. I wanted to…