Trail of Blood
Written by Rachel Silva-Knepp Genre: Mystery & Suspense Plot: Arriving in a Small Town That has a Secret Words to use: cult, mystery, murder, power, stranger, newcomer, alien, weapon, silence, danger, police, hidden, map, discovery, bond Part 1 What the once Detective Anne Sullivan needed was a change of scenery. She felt it deep down…
Evil Within
Genre: Action/Adventure Plot: A serial killer who went dormant Words to use: enemy, love, criminal, gruesome, victim, duty, morals, relationship, secrets, marriage, murder, criminal, passion, dilemma The hot sun beat down the newspaper on the corner of the Main Street of town. A local paper filled with advertisements, death andĀ marriageĀ and little stories of town life.…
Family Secrets
Genre: Action/Adventure Plot: Siblings who discover their parents are notorious international crime bosses. Words to use: Past, present, confusion, timeless, adolescence, history, family, dynasty, questions, curiosity, decades, henchmen, crime, maturity, inheritance. The twins, Sissy and Grace, grew up as any regular American child does today. Their life seemed to be the quintessential life in hometown…
The Parts Trade
Genre: Action/Adventure Plot: A black-market organ dealer who wants out. Words to use: Body, illegal, underworld, mobster, haul, criminal, web, exporter, deal, purchased, monopoly, fridge, container, victim, auction. Leading a double life had just become as natural as breathing. Straddling the line between legal and illegal was just normal for me now. There was no more line…
Jasper the Toy Maker
Genre: Action/Adventure Plot: A toy maker discovers his company is sold to criminals with nefarious plans for his toys. Words to use: machine, factory, tinker, novelty, collection, production, violence, defile, abomination, evil, franchise, distribute, cover-up, abuse, plant Jasper Evergreen loved to tinker. Ever since he was a boy he loved to make toys. I began as…