Genre: Western
Plot: The Tundra becomes the new hotspot for criminals
Words to use: Arctic, freeze, windshield, terrain, Siberia, desolate, empty, cold, access, network, seclusion, prime, elite, deadly, resort
An ice cold breezed past Dustin, his name he was using at the time, had his thick scarf wrapped tightly against his face while he trudged through the whipping snow flakes toward his truck. He relaxed as soon as he shut the door, the heat from the vents started to melt the snow attached to his jacket and pants. The windshield wipers vigorously went back and forth so he could make his way downtown. His time in Siberia seemed to be never-ending.
He pulled into the space in front of his office, the streets empty, people hid during the freeze but he knew they would find their way back and cause problems again. It was only a matter of time. He thought it would be safe, but the terrain was barren and harsh. The frozen Arctic juxtaposed to the criminal hotspot, a network of deadly activities creating problems for him. It was quiet right now, he found it unnerving.
In its prime, the town attracted visitors from all over the world — especially in summer. Attracted by the mines and special wildlife. An idyllic beauty spot high up north of everything. The lake, unfrozen but still icy cold, filled with fish to catch and soothing sounds of birds that found their way to feast on the bugs of all sort. He wish it was still like that now. Life changed with the resort. It was near impossible to gain access unless you were of the elite. People of power who bought themselves a warm welcome.
Only visible through the thick fencing, the extraordinary large compound of sorts had been situated in the most inaccessible part, deep within and property and flanked by obstacles, inhibiting approach by the unwelcomed common masses. Men in dark, thick jackets and large dogs he could see walk to and fro like ants heading toward a picnic table. Curiosity usually got the better of him.
A message went across his secured line weeks before, an order to gain access — by any means necessary. He didn’t think that was a good idea. He was only one man, and that was an army he’d be up against. Usually, orders, when they came, he was quick to figure out a way and was usually successful. This time — he wasn’t so sure. It seemed like a suicide mission. He wished for his team again, but he needed to devise another plan.
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