Category: Historical fiction

  • Running for your Life

    Running for your Life

    Genre: Historical Fiction Plot: Being hunted during the Salem Witch Trials Words to use: spell, fire, stake, accuse, judge, townspeople, blame, hang, guilt, magic, phobia, women, execution, colony, religion The fire light danced on Sarah’s face. It was an icy cold night and she huddled in her cloak to try to stay warm. She had hoped the townspeoplewould…

  • Stowaway


    Genre: Historical Fiction Plot: A stowaway on the first submarine. Words to use: nuclear, deep, sea, periscope, oxygen, quarters, captain, navy, submerge, underwater, missile, force, escape, spy, danger. The first nuclear submarine was quite the talk of those in the know, for all the plans were a closely guarded Navy secret. No one was to know the plans. The…

  • Taste of Death

    Taste of Death

    Genre: Historical Fiction Plot: A queen’s taste-tester who is immune to poison. Words to use: sacrifice, food, lie, deadly, bite, assassination, plot, royalty, revolution, spy, weapon, conspiracy, venom, choke, fear The queen’s visit to her summer home was anticipated by all those who served her. The staff was busying themselves for weeks, making sure everything…

  • Life of an Explorer.

    Life of an Explorer.

    Story: The Assistant to Marco Polo A work of fiction by Rachel Knepp Words to use: travel, world, seas, map, danger, mongols, china, court, ship, route, explorer, Venice, rivalry, risk, fame. Being the assistant to Marco Polo, the famous explorer was so exciting. Enrico dreamed of travel.  Seeing the world, marking off places on the map that he longed to see. He…