The Poisoned Drug Lord
Genre: Comedy Plot: A person who accidentally poisons a drug lord. Words to use: fast food, teenager, panic, delivery, puberty, mafia, violence, gang, profit, ransom, hit list, muscle, fear, accident, runaway. This was his first job ever working at the local fast food joint down the street from his home. He was so excited to be making…
Altered Mind
Waking up to a parallel world after an accident. Was it a dream? Or was it real?
Genre: Detective fiction Plot: A special agent is called abroad to investigate a streak of missing people. Words to use: vanish, disappear, foreigner, getaway, seclusion, off-the-grid, patted, link, connection, story, citizen, setup, lure, kidnap, murder. The newspapers again splashed the headlines from Europe, Vanished – Another one is Missing. The words in the articles were always bleak.…