Author: simplyrk

  • My father’s coin collection

    My father’s coin collection

    Genre: Fantasy Plot: An inherited coin collection transports you to different worlds. Words to use: money, metal, mint, insignia, face, value, map, portal, chamber, door, travel, warp, time, will, heirloom. My father loved to collect money from all over the world. He had stories that connected him to his travels with all the metal coins and paper bills that was…

  • The Poisoned Drug Lord

    The Poisoned Drug Lord

    Genre: Comedy Plot: A person who accidentally poisons a drug lord. Words to use: fast food, teenager, panic, delivery, puberty, mafia, violence, gang, profit, ransom, hit list, muscle, fear, accident, runaway. This was his first job ever working at the local fast food joint down the street from his home. He was so excited to be making…

  • Once Upon a time…

    Once Upon a time…

    Genre: Romance Plot: A soldier falls in love with the daughter of the enemy Words to use: battle, combat, warrior, revenge, armor, emotion, trust, attraction, assassin, resist, urge, duty, honor, passion, savior. The battle was raging on the eastern front. The carnage was great on both sides. Not something that you would expect anything good to come…

  • Jasper the Toy Maker

    Jasper the Toy Maker

    Genre: Action/Adventure Plot: A toy maker discovers his company is sold to criminals with nefarious plans for his toys. Words to use: machine, factory, tinker, novelty, collection, production, violence, defile, abomination, evil, franchise, distribute, cover-up, abuse, plant Jasper Evergreen loved to tinker. Ever since he was a boy he loved to make toys. I began as…

  • Altered Mind

    Altered Mind

    Waking up to a parallel world after an accident. Was it a dream? Or was it real?

  • Marshall Sinclair

    Marshall Sinclair

    Genre: Western Plot: Vigilante justice served in a country-town controlled by a single family. Words to use: watchman, loyalty, supporter, mask, defend, corruption, control, grip, bought, jail, unlimited, escape, bandit, jurisdiction, rogue Marshall Juke Sinclair was a tough character who has encountered many a violent rogue that travelled west of the Mississippi. He’d often find that he…

  • Missing


    Genre: Detective fiction  Plot: A special agent is called abroad to investigate a streak of missing people. Words to use: vanish, disappear, foreigner, getaway, seclusion, off-the-grid, patted, link, connection, story, citizen, setup, lure, kidnap, murder. The newspapers again splashed the headlines from Europe, Vanished – Another one is Missing. The words in the articles were always bleak.…

  • Life of an Explorer.

    Life of an Explorer.

    Story: The Assistant to Marco Polo A work of fiction by Rachel Knepp Words to use: travel, world, seas, map, danger, mongols, china, court, ship, route, explorer, Venice, rivalry, risk, fame. Being the assistant to Marco Polo, the famous explorer was so exciting. Enrico dreamed of travel.  Seeing the world, marking off places on the map that he longed to see. He…

  • Mind Trap

    Mind Trap

    Genre: Sci-fi Story line: A trapped hypnotist must fight a way out of their own mind. Words to use: pendulum, hallucination, slumber, control, zombie, repressed, unconscious, sense, waking, inner, lock, memory, prison, escape, coma. The large pendulum on the old grandfather clock in the home office swiftly shifted back and forth in a typical rhythmic manner. Tick…

  •  The Mannequin Salesman

     The Mannequin Salesman

    Genre: Horror Plot/Story premise: A mannequin sales man has a store full of real monsters. Words to use: display, storage, display, hideout, underworld, creep, mask, beware, entry, Halloween, body, model, dominion, design, fake. On my way to school, i walk by all the closed and shuttered windows of past stores that didn’t survive the economic…